Advanced processing and traceability technologies for the intelligent and high-efficiency recovery of material resources from complex + emerging waste streams
Call for propossals: Hazitek – Programa de apoyo a la I+D Empresarial
File Number: ZE-2020/00023
Year: 2020
The main objective of PRIEM+ is to generate a solid base of basic and technological knowledge that will allow the design and development of cost-effective, highly efficient and reliable cyberphysical systems, based on the interconnection of advanced identification technologies with supervised learning, decision support and optimization capabilities, automatic quality control in real time and traceability, in order to achieve a higher productivity (between 10 and 20%, compared to the current state of technology) in the recovery of polymeric, metallic and mineral material resources of higher purity (>95%) from complex waste flows, respectively, of EELL, AEE and RDC.

Action co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 (FEDER).