Research in new generation exoskeletons for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace
Call for propossals: Hazitek – Programa de apoyo a la I+D Empresarial
File Number: ZE-2020/00042
Year: 2020
The main objective of the exOsasun project is to reduce the musculoskeletal disorders in the most affected sectors, especially those of the shoulder and lumbar area, and with it to reduce the social, sanitary and economic impact that these disorders produce in the industrial and service sectors of the Basque Country. The final objective is to lay the scientific-technological foundations of a new virtualized and immersive environment, an advanced and innovative technological environment aimed at the prevention of occupational hazards. STT is collaborating in this project which focuses on the advanced environment of movement analysis and physiological monitoring of the worker for the detection and evaluation of postures in real time aimed at the prevention of occupational hazards.

Action co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 (FEDER).